Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 29: The Crunch

We spent the weekend packing boxes and setting up for the load-in tomorrow, although I get the truck today.

It kind of sucks. Moving just isn't much fun. If I had the money I'd pay someone to do all the real work. Instead there's just us, and something like this can easily cause nerves to fray. I've certainly been less than fun the past few days.

To make things even more spicy, we'll be driving into the teeth of Hurricane Sandy. Our route is northerly so I think the worst thing we'll deal with is rain. And, I'm hopeful that by the time we close in on Boston the winds will have abated substantially.

But it's a wrinkle.

I had hoped that we might have time for a final Friday or Saturday night on Dickson, but it just wasn't to be. We've got ruggedly long days slated for tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday will be a little less of a bite because by then we'll be there and can move at whatever pace we need. But M starts her new job in one week, and right now we're sitting 1,500 miles away with exactly zero loaded.

Which reminds me: I have to pick up a truck in 20 minutes. Gotta go!

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