Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The hiatus

....was not planned.

But a lot has been going on. I got a job. A great job. I started July 5, have been at it three weeks now, and it's beyond amazing. Great, professional people, all rowing in the same direction, all invested in the success of the mission. I feel so fortunate to be there.

A good post would have been about the overnight trip to Provincetown at the tip of Cape Cod. It was a quick jaunt and fascinating; worthy of more description. I've got to come back to that.

Another Boston-specific post could be about more use of the T system, which, I'm finding out, is pretty damned good. People here beat on it a lot, and it isn't without problems. But with a million people a day riding the system, it's pretty good.

And of course we've had a ridiculous heat wave, although as I type in this darkened room, a gentle breeze is occasionally wafting through the window. We've got a good chance of lows near 60 the next couple of nights. It will be nice to relax a bit.

Another new experience was the first trip toward Rhode Island Saturday. Destination: Mansfield for the Americanarama concert. A splendid time.

So there's a lot on my mind. I missed you...

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